Caught a burglar part 3
CamilaPunt, Nov 30 2011
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Unfortunately I was not present for anything in this part 3 so all that is said here is from talks directly with my sister/lawyer/mother
The lawyer extended the thiefs time to give money to 2 in the afternoon and nothing came from it except for some talks of the thief wanting guarantees that my sis would do nothing to him if he gives money.
Finally my sister had enough of it and went to the police station make the formal complaint. There she showed the video/audio etc, she overheard the police officers making nice comments like 'imma f*** this sob up" and such. The lawyer really wanted her to add info such as the thief went through her panties and her daughets panties saying that such info makes criminals be treated differently and that once he got out of jail his voice would resemble that of mike tyson.
Polife chief there sent police officers overs to the guys house to give him a 'intimation' requesting his presence at the police station tomorrow.
Later my sister talked with the thiefs sister and told her all the story. The sister started crying and was not surprised about the situation but said a lot 'we have to pay you back'. She said she was also at the apartment of the brother visiting.
Around 9'oclock at night the thief called my sister directly crying and asking for forgiveness and saying he has 1/3 of the money he can give tomorrow and the rest he will get to her somehow but to please to not arrest him because he has a 8 month pregnant wife. Tricky situation as I find myself and my sister feeling pity on him but the guy has robbed lots of people and he has to pay for what has been done. She said 'look if you want to pay me thats fine but the charges have been made, lets meet at the police station tomorrow and you give me the money there' and he agreed. She had already set up to release the media in this sensationalist news of the local area but is asking them to hold the broadcast of the material until further notice (something i'm not sure the media will hold up to). Later he called again saying 'hey your boyfriend is a musician right? do you want a new guitar for the troubles you have gone through?" my sis is like 'wtf just focus on giving me back my money and not things'
My sister asked me to put the videos all in one synchronized and I did so.. while at it I added some dubbing of what was going through his mind in portuguese and showed it to the family last night to which most everyone started crying laughing hehe. I won't open it to public yet until she decides to show the media. I have put it on a private youtube link and if extremely trustworthy lpers (i.e. green star or i know u for a few years) want to see it, u can pm your youtube name or email and ill send invite all I ask is to not spread the vid.
For now thats all folks.
update 3.1
morning meet at the police station
thief arrives and tries to shake hands with my dad and everybody is just like 'wtf'
he has some struggles in transferring money but finally manages to transfer about 3k dollars to my sisters account
my sister tells him he has till tonight to give the rest in exchange she will let the charges go but if he doesnt she will go through with it
regardless of if she drops the charges or not the guy has robbed the whole building already in previous occasion and the people who now know are already setting up a building meeting to get him evicted and get some lawsuits against him.
as extras the guy throughout the meet is like 'man im such an idiot, im so sorry.. god i cant believe what i have done' and yadayadayada but all throughout my sis feels he is a scammer by nature and trying to con his way out... which in some ways he is if shes actually gonna drop the charges but doesnt bother me so much cause the rest of the building will go after him including angry old lawyer and police chief that live there
shes now trying to get him to talk about how he has a key and who else is involved and why he did it
also the sensationalist media will be aired anyways apparently and it airs in about 10 minutes.. gonna check it out and if that goes through ill just release my vid
mini update 3.1.1
video was just aired on live media here so i'll liberate my own video compilation of the entry
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Caught a Burglar
CamilaPunt, Nov 27 2011
heres the story:
Part 1
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2-3 months ago my sister moved in to her new apt
few weeks ago she got robbed for about 8k usd cash that she stupidly had in her house
she went to the police and yadayadayada her maid got fired and that was that -- no proof no nada
a week ago she got robbed again for about ~600 usd
this week she put security cameras in her apartment --- in the weekend she left the apartment and stayed at my parents
today (sunday) she went back and checked the tapes to astonishingly found video recording of the burglar getting inside the house at around 8 in the morning
when i heard this i must say that i got chills all over my body
so we all go over and look to see its a young 25ish looking year old middle-upper class guy wearing an adidas shirt and shorts, big ass watch and decent sports shoes with sunglasses pale white... guy comes from a well off family -- the reason for this is that where i'm from your only pale white if your albino or fairly wealthy lol besides the obvious expensive clothing
also checking the video he seems to have a key that gives him access to the apartment ---enters the apartment and immediately seems to go to my sisters main room to look for money, spends a few minutes there and then comes back to living room and searches a little there before realizing theres a security cam to which he tries to hide for a bit but then pokes his head to see whats up --- comes out again and starts following the cameras cable to find the back camera and after not finding anything else just leaves --- this is all recorded and I have already uploaded to the internetz but will not share here yet since case is not yet resolved
so the person who lived in this apartment before is from my sisters boyfriend family -- she gets in touch with them and one of the girls after checking out the video immediately recognizes the burglar -- she says he is the son of my sisters neighbor who lives one floor above her and that he is a douche
so now we all get to talking -- i immediately talk with a good friend who has the hook ups with lawyers and cops here -- u have to remember this is brazil and stuff here works differently than in 1st world countries
after talking to the lawyer for quite a bit he says theres basically 2 options
1) go to police and get him arrested where he will be able to get bail and u will most likely win the case against him but most likely not see the money and have some headache
2) tomorrow me and the lawyer hit up the mothers apartment , show her the video and threaten her to pay back all that is owed on the same day or else we go to cops --- if they pay the lawyer says we then we go to cops anyways --- apparently this is legal and he thinks is the best way of getting the money back -- if they decline to pay then sell the tapes to the news and take him to the police
We are leaning on option 2
the lawyer after investigating him a bit has found out he has 7 other prior cases of him being sued and apparently nothing happening to him -- this to me tells us this won't be a walk in the park and that he has connections
so overall its a shitty ass situation that will be a hassle for my sister as she will at the very least have to leave her apartment given the famlily of villain lives in the same place!
As for conversations with the cops so far it has all led to "how badly do u want me to beat him up or even eliminate him"
anyways so fars thats it
to be continued tum tum tum...
Part 2
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So this morning I go over to my sisters place and arrive to find a group of people over there
my sis , her boyfriend, the building supervisor (forgot the correct name in english, he basically is someone who lives in the building and takes care of all matters regarding the building in exchange for not paying monthly building fee which does not include rent) this supervisor is also a lawyer, me and some others who work for my sis and her business
so lots of talk going on and this lawyer there is sort of a problem for my sister as apparently this burglar has robbed the whole building pretty much and the supervisor has fired doormen amongst others probably wrongly. As soon as our lawyer arrives and this supervisor gets his name you can see he immediately respects him a bit even though our lawyer is like 30 years old and this supervisor-lawyer guy is like > 50. The respect however seems more in the fear kinda of respect as in this lawyers family has some power. Anyways thats my impression of the situation.
The conversations gets pretty interesting and most of the time I am just listening and it becomes clear old supervisor wants to get all of the residents in this while my sis and her lawyer are like "hey she found it , she deserves the gold first and if everyone gets in it right now basically no one is gonna see nada" and just becomes a sort of battle of wits an power to see who wins what.
Anyways conversations goes on and supervisor guy wants to get in the action and go talk with the thief with myself and our lawyer but our lawyer eventually lays down his finger "listen your gonna stay here and me and my bud here (me) are going up .. we'll be back shortly"
my sis lives on the 1st floor, thief lives on 2nd floor opposite side to her
as we go up the elevator i turn on my recorder in my pocket
a bit about me and the lawyer -- im about 1'92 or 6'3 and very heavy dude.. the lawyer is big as well and heavy as well
we get to the hall and we hear immediately the burglar speaking on his cell phone
lawyer knocks on the door and after a few moments the burglar looks through the magic hole and all we hear is "i'm gonna have to hang up now" and then "one moment, friend" and he walks away from the door
once he does this-- i found out later on me and the lawyer thought exact same thing --- which is we are gonna get fuckin shot in this hallway-- my hearts starts pounding a bit faster and since the lawyer is in front of me i slowly start imagining me just tip toeing to stay exactly behind him hehe and imagining at what angle I can't get shot --- oh well but no time to be a wuss now
guy opens the door and its the thief--- lawyer walks in 'we need to talk' the thief is shirtless and removes himself to get his shirt
once he comes back the lawyer is like "look, i'm gonna be straight forward here, i'm a lawyer and we know what you did, we filmed it and we want to settle this now' to which the thief is like 'im sorry for what i did, i have a 8 month pregnant wife in the back so please lets settle this amicably' lawyer is like 'thats fine thats what we want as well'
we keep on chatting a bit and decide he has two hours to call us back with the money in hand or some immediate plan to get the money he stole from my sister or else we start going to police/media and he says ok
my thoughts throughout this were basically that lots of my friends were like 'man u have to beat the shit out of this guy and feel angry and whatnot' i just personally felt pity for him as he seems relatively normal person who just fucked his family up hard
we went back to my sis place -- i put the audio in the internetz once again and waiting the 2 hours out and no reply from him
so the lawyer and i left --- the final plan now was that by coincidence a female police chief lives in my sisters building and she is actively involved in finding the burglar and will arrive in like 4 hours from sao paulo--- so we decide to wait on her to come and meet up again to go through with the arresting part of the plan unless some other contact is made from our burglar
lawyer gives me a ride home and the chat home was kinda messed up.. i don't know this guy much but have met him once or twice before but know his reputation and that he is very good friends with one of my best friends--ill leave that chat to another time
will update later when we have more stuff
part 2.1
I ended up passing out in the afternoon, when I woke up my wife had gone out and babysitter would be leaving shortly which means I had to stay with my baby and could not go visit my sis to see the updates
as far i know police chief + lawyer+ sis all met up
lawyer called burglar and burglar is agreeing to payup money apparently and asked that my sister write him a receipt of receiving back the stolen money
what is hilarious as well is that we said he owed like ~10k dollars but then he is like no the total was like ~9.2k dollars and my sis is like 'oh snap he is probably right cause i remember spending like x amount of the money for some bills or something' . The lawyer quickly agrees to write this receipt as it has really no effect. They all agreed for tomorrow morning for this money to be given and afterwards she would go to the police station with the police chief...
some extras that i recall are
Lawyer is not charging anything which is extremely generous. He comes from a very rich family and has just married into an even richer family but still very nice of him. He doesn't even know my sister till today.
Everyone here when dealing with important figures tend to call them 'doctor' as a respectful thing, so the lawyer was like 'doctor' to the police chief and she after finding out his name is like 'hey i know who you and your family are please call me by first name' which i found amusing.
Next steps of interrogation will be coming up as the video of him breaking entry he seems to have the key to the apartment -- how did he get the key-- possible doormen involvement in this as well... also when talking to him personally the guy seems fairly normal --> what the hell was his motivation to do this stuff? Clepto or necessity or what? Cause he comes from a middle-upper class family which is just bizarre.
The whole process is going really slow in my eyes.
LAPT chile & ps s-mill FT
CamilaPunt, Jan 19 2009
Anyone here at LAPT chile? Looking for friendly faces 
Hotel here is amazing, kinda in the sea, so yu feel like your in a ship, just a beautiful view.
Don't usually post tourney scores but sunday mill is an exception. So yesterday i luck sacked my way to the ft with over 8k users, ended up losing in 8th though. Lost to a pretty sick monkey who had in a few previous hands won AQ v AK ai, 99 vs JJ on flop ai and he finally beat me on a ep raiser, he sb flat, i bb raise, ep fold he flat call, flop 225 i bet he ca, turn 3 i bet he shove i call and he has a4 and i had AA.
Pretty sick to lose like this caue the table had only bad/scared money players . Oh well maybe the good luck will go to the lapt.
Anyways enough of brag/slit wrists, if anyone here i am in room 520.
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